Public API#


class alysis.Node(*, root_balance_wei: int, chain_id: int = 107118521969011, net_version: int = 1, auto_mine_transactions: bool = True)[source]#

An Ethereum node maintaining its own local chain.

If auto_mine_transactions is True, a new block is mined after every successful transaction.

delete_filter(filter_id: int) None[source]#

Deletes the filter with the given identifier.

disable_auto_mine_transactions() None[source]#

Turns automining off.

enable_auto_mine_transactions() None[source]#

Turns automining on and mines a new block.

eth_block_number() int[source]#

Returns the number of most recent block.

eth_call(params: EthCallParams, block: int | BlockLabel) bytes[source]#

Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the blockchain.

If the transaction is invalid, raises ValidationError. If the transaction is sent to the EVM but is reverted during execution, raises TransactionReverted. If there were other problems with the transaction, raises TransactionFailed.

eth_chain_id() int[source]#

Returns the chain ID used for signing replay-protected transactions.

eth_estimate_gas(params: EstimateGasParams, block: int | BlockLabel) int[source]#

Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain.

If the transaction is invalid, raises ValidationError. If the transaction is sent to the EVM but is reverted during execution, raises TransactionReverted. If there were other problems with the transaction, raises TransactionFailed.

eth_gas_price() int[source]#

Returns an estimate of the current price per gas in wei.

eth_get_balance(address: Address, block: int | BlockLabel) int[source]#

Returns the balance (in wei) of the account of given address.

eth_get_block_by_hash(block_hash: Hash32, *, with_transactions: bool) BlockInfo[source]#

Returns information about a block by hash.

Raises BlockNotFound if the requested block does not exist.

eth_get_block_by_number(block: int | BlockLabel, *, with_transactions: bool) BlockInfo[source]#

Returns information about a block by block number.

Raises BlockNotFound if the requested block does not exist.

eth_get_code(address: Address, block: int | BlockLabel) bytes[source]#

Returns code of the contract at a given address.

eth_get_filter_changes(filter_id: int) list[LogEntry] | list[Hash32][source]#

Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since last poll.


This method will not return the events that happened before the filter creation, even if they satisfy the filter predicate. Call eth_get_filter_logs() to get those.

eth_get_filter_logs(filter_id: int) list[LogEntry][source]#

Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id.

eth_get_logs(params: FilterParams | FilterParamsEIP234) list[LogEntry][source]#

Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object.

eth_get_storage_at(address: Address, slot: int, block: int | BlockLabel) bytes[source]#

Returns the value from a storage position at a given address.

eth_get_transaction_by_hash(transaction_hash: Hash32) TransactionInfo[source]#

Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.

Raises TransactionNotFound if the transaction with this hash has not been included in a block yet.

eth_get_transaction_count(address: Address, block: int | BlockLabel) int[source]#

Returns the number of transactions sent from an address.

eth_get_transaction_receipt(transaction_hash: Hash32) TransactionReceipt[source]#

Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.

Raises TransactionNotFound if the transaction with this hash has not been included in a block yet.

eth_new_block_filter() int[source]#

Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives. Returns the identifier of the created filter.

eth_new_filter(params: FilterParams) int[source]#

Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs). Returns the identifier of the created filter.

eth_new_pending_transaction_filter() int[source]#

Creates a filter in the node, to notify when new pending transactions arrive. Returns the identifier of the created filter.

eth_send_raw_transaction(raw_transaction: bytes) Hash32[source]#

Attempts to add a signed RLP-encoded transaction to the current block. Returns the transaction hash on success.

If the transaction is invalid, raises ValidationError. If the transaction is sent to the EVM but is reverted during execution, raises TransactionReverted. If there were other problems with the transaction, raises TransactionFailed.

mine_block(timestamp: None | int = None) None[source]#

Mines a new block containing all the pending transactions.

If timestamp is not None, sets the new block’s timestamp to the given value.

net_version() int[source]#

Returns the current network id.

root_private_key: bytes#

The private key of the funded address created with the chain.


class alysis.RPCNode(node: Node)[source]#

A wrapper for Node exposing an RPC-like interface, taking and returning JSON-compatible data structures.

rpc(method_name: str, *params: None | bool | int | float | str | Sequence[JSON] | Mapping[str, JSON]) None | bool | int | float | str | Sequence[JSON] | Mapping[str, JSON][source]#

Makes an RPC request to the chain and returns the result on success, or raises RPCError on failure.

class alysis.RPCError[source]#

An exception raised in case of a known error, that is something that would be returned as "error": {"code": ..., "message": ..., "data": ...} sub-dictionary in an RPC response.

code: int#

The error type.

data: None | bytes#

The associated hex-encoded data (if any).

message: str#

The associated message.


class alysis.ValidationError[source]#

Invalid values of some of the arguments.

class alysis.BlockNotFound[source]#

Requested block cannot be found.

class alysis.TransactionNotFound[source]#

Requested transaction cannot be found.

class alysis.FilterNotFound[source]#

Requested filter cannot be found.

class alysis.TransactionFailed[source]#

Transaction could not be executed.

class alysis.TransactionReverted[source]#

Transaction was partially executed, but had to be reverted.



Values serializable to JSON.

class alysis.schema.Address#

Ethereum address (20 bytes).

alias of bytes

class alysis.schema.Hash32#

A keccak hash (32 bytes).

alias of bytes

class alysis.schema.BlockInfo(number: int, hash: None | Hash32, parent_hash: Hash32, nonce: None | BlockNonce, sha3_uncles: Hash32, logs_bloom: None | LogsBloom, transactions_root: Hash32, state_root: Hash32, receipts_root: Hash32, miner: None | Address, difficulty: int, total_difficulty: None | int, extra_data: bytes, size: int, gas_limit: int, gas_used: int, base_fee_per_gas: int, timestamp: int, transactions: list[TransactionInfo] | list[Hash32], uncles: list[Hash32])[source]#

Block info.

class alysis.schema.BlockNonce#

Block nonce (8 bytes).

alias of bytes

enum alysis.schema.BlockLabel(value)[source]#

Block label.

Valid values are as follows:

LATEST = <BlockLabel.LATEST: 'latest'>#
PENDING = <BlockLabel.PENDING: 'pending'>#
SAFE = <BlockLabel.SAFE: 'safe'>#
FINALIZED = <BlockLabel.FINALIZED: 'finalized'>#
EARLIEST = <BlockLabel.EARLIEST: 'earliest'>#
class alysis.schema.EthCallParams(to: Address, from_: None | Address = None, gas: None | int = None, gas_price: int = 0, value: int = 0, data: None | bytes = None)[source]#

Transaction fields for eth_call.

class alysis.schema.EstimateGasParams(from_: Address, to: None | Address = None, gas: None | int = None, gas_price: int = 0, nonce: None | int = None, value: int = 0, data: None | bytes = None)[source]#

Transaction fields for eth_estimateGas.

class alysis.schema.FilterParams(from_block: None | int | BlockLabel = None, to_block: None | int | BlockLabel = None, address: None | Address | list[Address] = None, topics: None | list[None | LogTopic | list[LogTopic]] = None)[source]#

Filter parameters for eth_getLogs or eth_newFilter.

class alysis.schema.FilterParamsEIP234(block_hash: Hash32, address: None | Address | list[Address] = None, topics: None | list[None | LogTopic | list[LogTopic]] = None)[source]#

Alternative filter parameters for eth_getLogs (introduced in EIP-234).

class alysis.schema.LogEntry(address: Address, block_hash: Hash32, block_number: int, data: bytes, log_index: int, removed: bool, topics: list[LogTopic], transaction_index: int, transaction_hash: Hash32)[source]#

Log entry.

class alysis.schema.LogsBloom#

Bloom filter for logs (256 bytes).

alias of bytes

class alysis.schema.LogTopic#

Encoded log topic (32 bytes).

alias of bytes

class alysis.schema.TransactionInfo(chain_id: int, block_hash: None | Hash32, block_number: int, from_: Address, gas: int, gas_price: int, max_fee_per_gas: int, max_priority_fee_per_gas: int, hash: Hash32, input: bytes, nonce: int, to: Address, transaction_index: None | int, type: int, value: int, v: int, r: int, s: int)[source]#

Transaction info.

class alysis.schema.TransactionReceipt(transaction_hash: Hash32, transaction_index: int, block_hash: Hash32, block_number: int, from_: Address, to: None | Address, cumulative_gas_used: int, effective_gas_price: int, gas_used: int, contract_address: None | Address, logs: list[LogEntry], logs_bloom: LogsBloom, type: int, status: int)[source]#

Transaction receipt.